- What is Angular?
- Installing Angular
- Angular CLI CommandsWhat are lifecycle hooks in Angular? Explain a few lifecycle hooks.
- What is TypeScript?
- Creating Angular project and Installing Bootstrap in Angular
- Different Folders and Files in Angular
- How angular works.
- Angular Architecture1 and Angular Architecture 2
- Modules to an Angular Project
- Difference between SingleQuote and Double Quote in Angular
- LifeCycle hooks in Angular
- Constructor
- ngOnChanges
- ngOnInit
- ngDoCheck
- ngAfterContentInit
- ngAfterContentChecked
- ngAfterViewInit
- ngAfterViewChecked
- ngOnDestroy
- Types of Data Binding in Angular
- One Way Binding
- String Interpolation
- Property Binding (When .ts sending data to .html) (What is the difference between properties and attributes in HTML?)
- Attribute Binding
- Class Binding and Style Binding
- Event Binding (When .html sending data to .ts)
- Difference between String Interpolation and Property Binding
- Two Way Binding
- One Way Binding
- Databinding in Angular
- String Interpolation
- Property Binding (When .ts sending data to .html)
- Event Binding (When .html sending data to .ts)
- Two way data binding
- Using LocalReference (aka Template Reference)(Not a data binding type but can be used to pass data)
- Using LocalReference with @ViewChild (aka Template Reference)
- Using Getters and Setters
- Component in Angular
- Parent and Child Component Communication via @Input(), @Output() and EventEmitter
- Child to Parent Component Communcation via @ViewChild()
- Any to Any Component Communication via Shared Services (Example : Sibling to Sibling)
- Event Emitter for cross component communication.
- Using subject in Service to communicate between component
- A Sample application displaying Parent and Child communication
- ng-content Directive in Component
- Getting Access to ng-content with @ContentChild
- Lazy loading, Eager loading and Preloading.
- Directives in Angular
- Structural Directive
- Attribute Directives
- Service and Dependency Injection
- Routing in Angular
- Adding angular routing to a project which does not have routing
- Routing via app-routing.module.ts file
- WildCard Route and Redirecting Routes
- Route Parameters
- Routing in Child component
- Using routerLink in Angular.
- Programtically routing to other pages.
- ActivatedRoute and Passing Query Paramaters and Fragments
- Routing Guard
- CanActive
- CanActivateChild
- CanDeactivate
- CanLoad
- Resolve
- Observables in Angular
- Forms in Angular
- Angular Material
- Add Angular Material to a project
- Material Module
- Typography
- Angular Material Buttons
- Angular Material Button Toggle
- Angular Material Icons
- Angular Material Badges
- Angular Material Spinner
- Angular Material Progress bar
- Angular Material Navbar
- Angular Material SideNavbar
- Angular Material Menu
- Angular Material List
- Angular Material GridList
- Angular Material Expanson Panel
- Angular Material Card
- Angular Material Tabs
- Angular Material Stepper
- Angular Material Input – A form component
- Angular Material Select
- Angular Material Autocomplete
- Angular Material Checkbox and autocomplete
- Angular Material Date Picker
- Angular Material Tool tip
- Angular Material Snackbar
- Angular Material Dialog
- Angular Material Data table
- Reusable Material Data Table as a component
- Reactive Forms with Validations (Validation messages on HTML)
- Reactive Forms with Validations (Validation messages from TS)
- Reactive Forms with Validations (Support for server Side validation)
- Cookies, Session and Local Storage in Angular
- Pipes to Transform output in Angular
- Custom Pipes
- Services and Injectable in Angular
- Angular Module Loading
- Eager Loading.
- Lazy Loading
- PreLoading
- HttpModule
- HttpClientModule
- Route Guards in Angular
- Angular with NgRx
- Angular Animations
- Unit Testing in Angular
- Proxy in Angular
Reference :
ToDo :
- Loading an asset in Angular – Image/Json
- Json to ts
Interview Questions
- What is Angular? and Why Angular?
- Angular Architecture
- How angular works.
- Advantages and Challenges in Angular
- Just In Time and Ahead Of Time compilation
- Folders, Directory Structure and Files of Angular
- Final build files and their purpose
- Explain Components, Modules and Services in Angular
- What are lifecycle hooks in Angular? Explain a few lifecycle hooks.
- Databinding in Angular
- String Interpolation
- Property Binding
- Event Binding
- Two way data binding
- Using LocalReference (Not a data binding type but can be used to pass data)
- Using LocalReference with @ViewChild
- Using Getters and Setters
- How are observables different from promises?
- Directives in Angular
- Component in Angular and their communication
- Parent and Child Component Communication via @Input(), @Output() and EventEmitter
- Child to Parent Component Communcation via @ViewChild()
- Any to Any Component Communication via Shared Services (Example : Sibling to Sibling)
- Event Emitter for cross component communication.
- Using subject in Service to communicate between component
- A Sample application displaying Parent and Child communication
- ng-content Directive in Component
- Getting Access to ng-content with @ContentChild
- Lazy loading, Eager loading and Preloading.
- Explain the concept of Dependency Injection