What is AWK?
- AWK is a powerful scripting language used to manipulate data and generate report.
- AWK utiltiy scan a file line by line
- Split each lines which is scanned into fields separated by delimiter.
- Compares the scanned fields with the given pattern and matches it.
- Perform operation on the output that is matched
Syntax of AWK
awk options 'selection _criteria {action }' input-file > output-file
We are going to perform search operation on the below text file demo.txt
cat demo.txt
Demo 332
Hello World
987 Democode
- Display all the lines in the file demo.txt?
awk '{ print }' demo.txt
- Display 1st column of every text in file demo.txt?
awk '{ print $1 }' demo.txt
$1 in the above command prints the first column and no delimiter is specified because by default the delimiter is space.You can specify the delimiter by using -F attribute just like in the example below where the delimiter is colon (:)
You can also concatenate two columns using . operator
- Find every line in file demo.txt which contains the word demo in regex
awk '/Demo/ { print }' demo.txt
- Find line in the file demo.txt which starts with a number
awk '/^[0-9]/ { print }' demo.txt
- Find if the second column contains the number 332
awk ' { if ( $2 ~ /332/) print } ' demo.txt
In the above example $2 stands for 2nd column and tilda symbol ~ stands for equals to.
- Print line from 2 to 4 in demo.txt
awk 'NR==2,NR==4 {print} ' demo.txt
- Perform Arithmetic operation using AWK
echo 22 7 | awk '{ print $1/$2 }'
echo 22 7 | awk '{ print $1*$2 }'
echo 22 7 | awk '{ print $1+$2 }'
echo 22 7 | awk '{ print $1-$2 }'
Reference / Learning Points :