- Find the list of ip and ports the apache web server is listening on
- There is always one main .conf file, the rest of the conf file are add using Include directive.
- Listen : The ip address and port that apache web server should be listening on
- User and group account to be used
User apache Group apache
- ServerName : Trying to resolve the server name by ip addresss
- ErrorLog : Name of the log file where error will be loged
ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/error.log
- Include : include is use to include other conf files in the current httpd.conf file
Include conf.d/*.conf
Load all the conf files in the conf.d directory
- IncludeOptional : Alternatively, the following command will just be ignored in case of missing files or directories:
IncludeOptional conf-enabled/*.conf
- VirtualHost : The IP and port the apache server to listen to for itself
<VirtualHost *:80>
In the above example, it will listen to all the request on port 80
FQ Example of reverse proxy
<VirtualHost *:80> ProxyPass "/" "http://localhost:9090/" </VirtualHost>
Note : Modules porxy and proxy_http is required to run the proxy
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To ensure that and Location:
headers generated from the backend are modified to point to the reverse proxy, instead of back to itself, the ProxyPassReverse
directive is most often required:
<VirtualHost *:80> ProxyPass "/" "http://localhost:9090/" ProxyPassReverse "/" "http://localhost:9090/" </VirtualHost>
Note : If it is a two way communication ProxyPassReverse is required
To restart the apache web server use below command :
sudo systemctl restart apache2
- LoadModule
- authz_host_module modules/
Control access by IP address - dir_module module/
Default page to be loaded
- authz_host_module modules/
Note : There will always be folders called sites-available, sites-enabled, conf-available and conf-enabled, We put all the conf file always in the *-available folder and when we want that configuration file to take effect we create a symbolic link on that conf file in the *-enabled folder
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