Check the stats of the SQL Query already executed

First find the sql_id of the query executed in v$sql view

select v_sql.sql_text,v_sql.SQL_ID,v_sql.* 
from v$sql v_sql where 1=1
and v_sql.sql_text like 'select s.rowid,s.* from STUDENT_INFO_TEMP0718 %'
and 1=1;

From the sql_id from the result of above query search that sql_id in v$sql_plan view

select v_sql.sql_text,v_sql.SQL_ID,v_sql.* 
from v$sql v_sql where 1=1
and v_sql.sql_text like 'select s.rowid,s.* from STUDENT_INFO_TEMP0718 %'
and 1=1;

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