- Collections Framework(Collection Interface)
- List Interface
- ArrayList(Best – Frequent Retrieval & Worst – Insertion or Deletion in middle)
- LinkedList(Best – Insertion or Deletion in middle & Worst – Read from Middle)
- Vector
- Stack extends Vector
- ArrayDequeue
- Difference between ArrayList and Vector
- Difference between ArrayList and LinkedList
- Set Interface
- HashSet (Best : Search)
- SortedSet Interface
- NavigableSet Interface extends SortedSet Interface
- TreeSet (Comparable and Comparator Interface)
- NavigableSet Interface extends SortedSet Interface
- Difference between HashSet, LinkedHashSet and TreeSet
- Differences between List and Set
- Queue Interface
- PriorityQueue
- BlockingQueue.
- LinkedBlockingQueue
- PriorityBlockingQueue
- Deque
- ArrayDequeue
- LinkedList
- Map Interface
- HashMap Class (Resizing of HashMap – Youtube)
- LinkedHashMap extends HashMap (Class)
- IdentityHashMap Class
- WeakHashMap Class
- SortedMap Interface
- NavigableMap Interface
- Hashtable
- Properties extends Hashtable
- Difference between HashMap and Hashtable
- Difference between HashMap and LinkedHashMap
- HashMap Class (Resizing of HashMap – Youtube)
- Enum Collection
- EnumSet
- EnumMap
- Cursors
- Utility Class
- Collections
- Arrays
- Why Generics in java?
- What is Generic Class
- Generic Method
- Collections with Generics
- Bounded Type Parameter
- Unbounded Wildcard
- Type Erasure
- Difference between ? and T i.e Unbounded Wildcard and T
Concurrent Collections
- Need for concurrent Collections
- Difference between Traditional and Concurrent Collections
- ConcurrentMap
- ConcurrentHashMap
- HashMap vs ConcurrentHashMap
- ConcurrentHashMap vs synchronizedMap() vs Hashtable
- CopyOnWriteArrayList
- ArrayList vs CopyOnWriteArrayList
- CopyOnWriteArrayList vs syncronizedList() vs vector
- CopyOnWriteArraySet
- CopyOnWriteArraySet vs syncronizedSet()
- FailFast vs FailSafe Iterator
- Proof that normal collection is not Thread safe
- Why Synchronized Collections like Hashtable, Vector are not up to the mark performance wise
- What is Mutex in context of Thread
- Learn Atomic and Volatile
Reference – Concurrent Collections
Concurrent Collection Reference – Youtube
- Stack
- Queue
- Hashtable
- Tree
- Balaced Tree
- Red and Black Tree
- BTree (Binary Tree)
- Binary Search Tree
Hierarchy of all Collections in Java with its method
Collections Interview Questions
Reference :