- Java Features Basics
- Java Virtual Machine
- Flow of Code inside JVM
- Heap(in detail and all Generations and memory leak example)
- JConsole to check JVM
- JDK, JRE and JIT
- Types of Virtual Machine
- Garbage Collection(In Detail)
- Class File structure
- All the folders and jars inside jre folder
- CustomeClassLoader
- Improve Memory Utilization in Java
- JVM Oracle Documentation PDF
- JVM CommandLine options
- Java Building Blocks
- Primitive and non primitive data type in java
- Operators and Statement
- String and String pool in java
- Modifiers
- Type Casting
- imports and static imports
- Instance initializer block
- Arrays and ArrayTools
- vargs
- JAR, WAR and EAR in java
- Serialization in java
- Cloning in java
- RandomAccess Interface
- Autoboxing and Unboxing
- native keyword in java
- Annotations in java
- I18N
- OOP Concept
- Constructors
- Instance Initializer Block
- Inner Class
- Inheritance
- Aggregation
- Composition
- Static Block, Class, Method, Variable, Object
- final keyword
- static keyword
- abstract keyword (Diff abstract class and Interface)
- volatile keyword
- transient keyword
- strictfp keyword
- native keyword
- this
- super
- Method Overloading and Method Overriding
- Userstanding MAIN method in java and Main methods overloaded
- Interface
- Marker Interface
- Serializable Interface
- Cloneable Interface
- Remote Interface
- RandomAccess Interface
- Refelection
- Enum
- instanceOf
- Collections and Data Structures in java
- Encapsulation
- Exception Handling
- Java File IO API
- File
- FileWriter (character by character)
- FileReader (character by character)
- BufferedWriter (line by line)
- BufferedReader (line by line)
- PrintWriter (line by line with primitive support)
- InputStreamReader and OutputStreamWriter (For Image,Video and Audio Read and Write)
- FileInputStream and FileOutputStream
- RandomAccessFile
- Serialization and Deserialization
- What is Serialization and Deserialization
- Object Graph in Serialization
- Customized Serialization
- Serialization with Respect to inheritance
- Externalization
- Complexity Of an Algorithm
- Reflection API
- Sorting Algorithm
- Bubble Sort
- Quick Sort
- Merge Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Heap Sort
- Selection Sort
- Smooth Sort
- Bogo Sort
- Searching Algorithm
- About project Lombok
- JKS (Java Key Store)
- Log4j2
- Increase Performance of Eclipse
Command Line :
Interview Reference :
1. Why refelection in java