Core Java

  1. Java Features Basics
    1. Why java? Features of Java?
    2. OOPs concept
    3. OOPs Java Specific Questions
  2. Java Virtual Machine
    1. Flow of Code inside JVM
    2. Heap(in detail and all Generations and memory leak example)
    3. JConsole to check JVM
    4. JDK, JRE and JIT
    5. Types of Virtual Machine
    6. Garbage Collection(In Detail)
    7. Class File structure
    8. All the folders and jars inside jre folder
    9. CustomeClassLoader
    10. Improve Memory Utilization in Java
    11. JVM Oracle Documentation PDF
    12. JVM CommandLine options
  3. Java Building Blocks
    1. Primitive and non primitive data type in java
    2. Operators and Statement
      1. Bitwise Operator
      2. Two’s Complement
    3. String and String pool in java
    4. Modifiers
    5. Type Casting
    6. imports and static imports
    7. Instance initializer block
    8. Arrays and ArrayTools
    9. vargs
    10. JAR, WAR and EAR in java
    11. Serialization in java
    12. Cloning in java
    13. RandomAccess Interface
    14. Autoboxing and Unboxing
    15. native keyword in java
    16. Annotations in java
    17. I18N
  4. OOP Concept
    1. Constructors
    2. Instance Initializer Block
    3. Inner Class
    4. Inheritance
    5. Aggregation
    6. Composition
    7. Static Block, Class, Method, Variable, Object
    8. final keyword
    9. static keyword
    10. abstract keyword (Diff abstract class and Interface)
    11. volatile keyword
    12. transient keyword
    13. strictfp keyword
    14. native keyword
    15. this
    16. super
    17. Method Overloading and Method Overriding
    18. Userstanding MAIN method in java and Main methods overloaded
    19. Interface
    20. Marker Interface
      • Serializable Interface
      • Cloneable Interface
      • Remote Interface
      • RandomAccess Interface
    21. Refelection
    22. Enum
    23. instanceOf
  5. Collections and Data Structures in java
  6. Encapsulation
  7. Exception Handling
    1. Exception Hierarchy
    2. Exception Handling with Inheritance
  8. Java File IO API
    1. File
    2. FileWriter (character by character)
    3. FileReader (character by character)
    4. BufferedWriter (line by line)
    5. BufferedReader (line by line)
    6. PrintWriter (line by line with primitive support)
    7. InputStreamReader and OutputStreamWriter (For Image,Video and Audio Read and Write)
    8. FileInputStream and FileOutputStream
    9. RandomAccessFile
  9. Serialization and Deserialization
    1. What is Serialization and Deserialization
    2. Object Graph in Serialization
    3. Customized Serialization
    4. Serialization with Respect to inheritance
    5. Externalization
  10. Complexity Of an Algorithm
  11. Reflection API
  12. Sorting Algorithm
    1. Bubble Sort
    2. Quick Sort
    3. Merge Sort
    4. Insertion Sort
    5. Heap Sort
    6. Selection Sort
    7. Smooth Sort
    8. Bogo Sort
  13. Searching Algorithm
  14. About project Lombok
  15. JKS (Java Key Store)
  16. Log4j2
  17. Increase Performance of Eclipse

Command Line :

  1. Java Compile
  2. Java Execute
  3. JAR Creation, Execution and Updation
  4. JAR Manifest

Interview Reference :

1. Why refelection in java