Why to create annotation ?
- For documentation purpose – Help the developers reading it understand
- As an input to java source code processor
Libraries that use their own annotations ?
- Spring & Spring Boot
- Jackson JSON toolkit
- Hibernate
Example of where annotations can be used :
Sample Annotation

Where annotation can be used

As displayed above it can be used for class, method, arguments,variables etc.
Providing values to annotation
- Custome Annotation 2 elements

- Class CustomeAnnotationExample1 uses the annotation and provides value to it
- If not value is provided in below example, it will give compilation error since default value for that annotation is not provided

Providing default values to annotation

- Now we don’t need to provide values to annotation anymore

Specifying where the annotation can be used

As you can see in the above screenshot
@Target annotation can be used to specify where CustomeAnnotation1 annotation can be sed
- Used on Another annotation
- Used on Constructor
- Used on Local variable
- Used on Method
- Used on Package
- Used on Parameter
- Used on Type (Class)
- Used on Type Parameter
Example :

The compiler gives warning that it cannot be used at that location because the @Target type for the annotation is TYPE i.e allowed only on classes
Example of using the value of Annotation in class

Output :

Reference :