- Helps to implement the if else functionality
- Functionality is limited in Decode, what we can do it Decode, we can also do it Case
- Decode can take number and string for comparison
- Helps to implement the if else functionality
- Case is better than decode.
- Case can take only 1 datatype for comparison
Table Dump
create table student_tab_temp0747 ( s_no number, s_name varchar2(100), s_mark number, s_result varchar2(1) ); insert into student_tab_temp0747 values (1,'Scott',85,'P'); insert into student_tab_temp0747 values (2,'Allen',30,'F'); insert into student_tab_temp0747 values (3,'Smith',45,'P'); insert into student_tab_temp0747 values (4,'Adams',25,'F'); insert into student_tab_temp0747 values (5,'James',55,null);
Decode and Case Examples :
select * from student_tab_temp0747; SELECT s_no, s_name, s_mark, s_result, DECODE(s_result,'P','Pass','F','Failed','Result not available') as result_decode, CASE s_result when 'P' then 'Pass' when 'F' then 'Failed' else 'Result not available' end as result_case1, CASE when s_result='P' then 'Pass' when s_result='F' then 'Failed' else 'Result not available' end as result_case2, CASE when s_result='P' and s_mark>=60 then 'First Class' when s_result='P' and s_mark<60 then 'Second Class' when s_result='F' then 'Failed' else 'Result not available' end as result_class FROM student_tab_temp0747;
Example 2 :
select decode(:input,'1','One',2,'Two','3','Three','Other') as result from dual; SELECT CASE :input WHEN '1' THEN 'One' WHEN '2' THEN 'Two' WHEN '3' THEN 'Three' ELSE 'Others' END AS result FROM dual;