Docker commands to run docker
- docker build
- docker build -t <tagname>:<tagversion> /<path>/<to>/Dockerfile
- Example : docker build -t helloworld:0.1 .
- Passing Docker file as an argument
- Example : docker build -f test1-docker-running/running.Dockerfile -t helloworld:0.2 .
- Pass Dockerfile name as a standard input
- Example : docker build -t helloworld:0.1 – < running.Dockerfile
- docker build -t <tagname>:<tagversion> /<path>/<to>/Dockerfile
- docker images
- prints the list of images available in docker
- docker run (docker container run (is the new management command alternative))
- Run the image to create a container
- Example : docker run helloworld:0.1
- You can run the application in background using -d attribute
- Example : docker run -d helloworld:0.1
- Name you container using –name
- Example : docker run –name my-app -d helloworld:0.1
- Binding ports
- Example : docker run –name app -d -p 9090:8080 helloworld:01
- 9090 Host port
- 8080 Docker port which is exposed
- Run the image to create a container
- docker ps (docker container ls (is the new management command alternative))
- list of running containers
- ps -a
- displays running and stopped containers
- docker logs
- docker log command prints the logs of the container
- First your need to find the running container id by using command docker ps
- Then run the command docker logs 1E733HJERT17772KRM
- docker stop (docker container stop (is the new management command alternative))
- Stops the container
- Example docekr stop my-app
- Stops the container
- docker rm
- Remove the image
- Example docker rm my-app
- Remove the image + stop the containers
- Exammple : docker rm -f my-app
- Remove the image
- docker network
- Creates a connectivity between two containers
- list the connectiivty with ls
- Example : docker network ls
- Default network connectivity is bridge
- Create a bridge network
- Example : docker nework create app-network
- version
- To check docker version
- Example : docker version
- info
- To find more info on docker
- Example : docker info
- pull
- To pull a image from docker hum
- Syntax : docker pull <repository>:<tag-version>
- Example : docker pull openjdk:8u302-jdk-slim
Docker Commands & Management Commands
- Old docker commands use to be like docker<space><command>
- Example : docker run
- New docker commands however are like docker<space><command><space><subcommand>
- Example : Docker container run
- Both docker run and docker container run does the same thing it is just the old and new way
- New way cameup when they had a lot of commands in hand then they had to split the commands into 2 sections. This is called Management commands
- Docker however is backward compactable and the old commands will not be deprecated
Manual (Man) of Docker
- You can find the docker commands just by typing docker in console
- Example : docker
- All the commands are listed
- Example : docker container –help
- All the subcommands for the command container is listed
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