- Install Docker (Windows version 1909 or higher is required to install docker)
- Docker Hello-World
- Docker Hub
- Kitematics
- How Docker works
- Docker commands
- Dockerfile and its instructions
- Docker network
- Network Drivers
- What is Docker demon
- Link two application in docker
- Docker Compose
- Docker Hub and Docker Registory
- Docker Images
- Running SpringBoot app on Docker
- docker rmi <image_name> (remove an image)
- Docker Containers
- docker container ls
- docker exec -it <container_id> sh (login via shell to docker container)
- Docker ps
- docker ps -ls (see stopped containers)
- Enable debug mode in Docker Client and Docker Server
- Docker buildx
- Docker builder
- Docker config
- Docker context
- Docker log
- docker logs <container id> (to view logs of container)
- docker logs -f <container id> (tailf version)
- Docker stop
- docker stop <container id> (stop the container)
- docker stop Vs docker kill
- Docker dev
- Docker environment (Important)
- docker run -e MY_VAR=my_property <image_name>
- Docker node
- Docker plugin
- Docker exec (execute command inside a container)
- Docker scan
- Docker secret
- Docker service
- Docket stack
- Docker swarm
- Docker System
- docker system prune (delete all the containers,networks,dangling img, cache)
- Docker trust
- Docker Volumes (Important)
- Docker local storage mapping Example with alpine (Sharing data with single container only)
- Creating volume and sharing data between two containers
- Creating own image from scratch and installing JDK into it
Reference Link
- Work with docker without installing – labs-play-with-docker
- Networking – Youtube