
  1. Install Docker (Windows version 1909 or higher is required to install docker)
  2. Docker Hello-World
  3. Docker Hub
  4. Kitematics
  5. How Docker works
  6. Docker commands
  7. Dockerfile and its instructions
  8. Docker network
  9. Network Drivers
  10. What is Docker demon
  11. Link two application in docker
  12. Docker Compose
  13. Docker Hub and Docker Registory
  14. Docker Images
  15. Docker Containers
    • docker container ls
    • docker exec -it <container_id> sh (login via shell to docker container)
  16. Docker ps
    • docker ps -ls (see stopped containers)
  17. Enable debug mode in Docker Client and Docker Server
  18. Docker buildx
  19. Docker builder
  20. Docker config
  21. Docker context
  22. Docker log
    • docker logs <container id> (to view logs of container)
    • docker logs -f <container id> (tailf version)
  23. Docker stop
  24. Docker dev
  25. Docker environment (Important)
    • docker run -e MY_VAR=my_property <image_name>
  26. Docker node
  27. Docker plugin
  28. Docker exec (execute command inside a container)
  29. Docker scan
  30. Docker secret
  31. Docker service
  32. Docket stack
  33. Docker swarm
  34. Docker System
    • docker system prune (delete all the containers,networks,dangling img, cache)
  35. Docker trust
  36. Docker Volumes (Important)


  1. Creating own image from scratch and installing JDK into it

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