On Ubuntu :
- You can download using Ubuntu repository
--Check the repository available node version using command sudo apt-cache show nodejs --Install nodejs using below command sudo apt install nodejs
All the steps are mentioned in below url
Node Version Manager (NVM)
Why NVM ?
- Suppose you are core developer of Node Js who reviews code of many node js developers
- All the different applications code that you review might note be running on the same exact version of Node JS.
- So now you cannot re-install the Node Js everytime you encounter a new version so, NVM helps you to change the Node version as you please.
- There are many tools available on internet to manage node versions
- We are going to use NVM in our case
- Below is the link for documentation
https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm#installing-and-updating - Run below command to install nvm
----download using below command curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.37.1/install.sh | bash ----reload the bashrc source ~/.bashrc ----List of node version nvm list-remote ----Install a node version nvm install v14.15.1 ----List of installed node version installed on your system nvm list ----Change the node version using nvm nvm use v14.15.1 ----Check node version node -v ----Change Back to system version of nodejs nvm use system