- What is GIT? (Git offical)
- Quick Git Commands
- Download and setting up git profile
- Configuration files in GIT
- Creating a repository and committing files.
- Types of files status in GIT and viewing status of files and difference in them.
- Comparing difference between files in git(Meld GUI tool)
- GIT Ignore and removing files from GIT
- Viewing GIT logs
- Amending, unstaging and unmodifying files in GIT
- Remote repository in GIT (GIT remote)
- GIT aliases
- GIT Branching
- Pushing files to an online repository
- GIT Merge
- Fetch and Pull files from an online repository
- Setting up SSH key for Github
- Inside .git directory
GIT Stash Merge vs Rebase Git revert command Automerging confict issue git clone using the alis name of remote 1. Setting up SSH and how to clone repository using SSH (Sample using GIT HUB) 2. How to make GIT faster in windows 3. GIT crashed out of no where Comparing Working area, staging area and repository Taking checkout from a remote repository and getting older version from repository GIT plugin in eclipse Committing files to github using GIT plugin Merging a branch in GIT GIT reflog command