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- Role Description of Associate Cloud Engineer
- Setting up a cloud solution environment
- Setting up cloud projects and account
- Managing billing configuration
- Installing and configuring command line interface(CLI)
- Planning and configuring a cloud solution
- Planning and estimating GCP product use using pricing calculator
- Planning and configuring compute resources
- Planning and configuring data storage options
- Planning and configuring network resources
- Deploying and implementing a cloud solution
- Deploying and implementing Compute Engine resources
- Deploying and configuring Kubernetes Engine resources
- Deploying and implementing App Engine and Cloud Function resources
- Deploying and implementing Data solutions
- Deploying and implementing networking resources
- Deploying a solution using cloud launcher
- Deploying a solution using Deployment Manager
- Ensure successful operation of a cloud solution
- Managing Compute Engine resources
- Managing Kubernetes Engine resources
- Managing App Engine resources
- Managing Data solutions
- Managing Networking resources
- Configuring access and security
- Managing Identity and Access Management (IAM)
- Managing service accounts
- Viewing audit logs for project and managed services