- Underlying data structure is Hashtable
- Insertion order is not preserved
- Based on Hashcode of keys
- Duplicates keys are not allowed but duplicate values are allowed
- Heterogenious values are allowed for both keys are values.
- Null not allowed for keys and value
- Implements Seralizable, Clonable but not RandomAccess
- All the methods are synchronized hence Hashtable objects are ThreadSafe
- Best if frequent operation is search in multithreading environment.
- Hastable h = new Hashtable()
- Empty hash table with initial capacity 11
- Load Factor 0.75
- Hastable h = new Hashtable(int initialCapacity)
- Load Factor 0.75
- InitialCapacity set via constructor
- Hastable h = new Hashtable(int initialCapacity, float fillRatio)
- LoadFactor and Initital Capacity both is given as input
- Hastable h = new Hashtable(Map m)
- Cross collection conversion
Internal Working of a Hashtable
- Hashtable works on Hashing principles
- Object class has a hashCode() method which returns a integer value which is the HashCode
Example :
For our example we will store objects of class Temp in the Hastable
Explaination :
Temp Class
- We have overridden the hashCode() of the Temp class so that an integer that we pass is the HashCode of for that object
- We have overridden the toString() method so that the integer itself is returned
Main Method Execution
- We create a Hashtable with name h, since no initial capacity is passed the default value is 11
- A bucket is created with size 11
- We add 1st value to it i.e new Temp(5),”A”
- Now is here the key is object Temp(5) and the value is A
- We have overridden the Hashcode of the temp class and we know of a fact that its hashcode is 5
- Now we calculate the location of value “A” in the bucker
- We calculate that by formula hash%capacity i.e 5%11 = 5
- So the value 5=A will be stored at location 5 in the bucket
- Similarly for new Temp(2),”B” location 2
- Similarly for new Temp(6),”C” location 6
- Similarly for new Temp(15),”D” location 4
- Similarly for new Temp(23),”E” location 1
- For new Temp(16),”F” we have hashcollision
- For hashcollision we use the same bucket a location right to it
- Thus all the values are stored in the HashTable
- Printing of Hashtable
- Printing of Hashtable happens from top to bottom ie. from index 10 to 0
- If 2 values are present inside a bucket then from right to left
- Hence the output 6=C, 16=F, 5=A, 15=D, 2=B, 23=E}
Example 2 : When the hashing logic hashCode() changes complete hashtable structure changes
Example 3: Increasing initial capacity and the Hashtable structure change