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- What is Hibernate
- How the mappings are done between Objects and database tables
- JPA Annotations
- XML Configuration (hbm.xml file)
- Why Hibernate
- What is HQL
- Interfaces in Hibernate
- Session Factory Interface
- Session Interface
- Transaction Interface
- JpaReposiotry Interface
- Annotations in Hibernate
- @Entity
- @Table
- @Access
- @Id
- @EmbeddedId
- @Column
- @GeneratedValue
- @Cascade
- Types of Mapping (association)
- @OneToOne
- @OneToMany
- @ManyToMany
- @JoinTable
- @JoinColumn
- getCurrentSession() vs openSession()
- get() vs load() – Lazy Loading
- Hibernate Configuration File ?
- How hibernate does caching
- Core Hibernate
- Introduction and Framework
- Hibernate Architecture
- Logging in Hibernate
- EHCache with Hibernate
- Hibernate Caching – Important
- First Level Caching
- Second Level Caching
- Query Caching
- Criteria Query in hibernate
- Integrate Hibernate and Spring