Java IO Basics and understanding Structure :
- What is a Stream and use of it
- Types of Stream
- Binary Stream (For Audio/Video and other files)
- Input Stream (Abstract Class)
- Output Stream (Abstract Class)
- Character Stream (For Printable characters)
- Reader (Abstract Class)
- Writer (Abstract Class)
- Binary Stream (For Audio/Video and other files)
Java File IO Binary Stream API
- Input Stream (9 classes)
- FileInputStream (Read one byte Data from File as it is) (Important)
- ByteArrayInputStream (Read data inform of array)
- FilterInputStream
- DataInputStream (Read one byte Data from File in primitive datatype)(Important)
- BufferedInputStream (Reading Fast )
- ObjectInputStream (Reading as a complete Object)(Important)
- PipedInputStream (Passing a Stream to another)
- SequenceInputStream (Read Data from multiple file)
- StringBufferInputStream
- Output Stream Types (8 classes)FileOutputStream
- ByteArrayOutputStream
- FilterOutputStream
- DataOutputStream
- BufferedOutputStream
- PrintStream (No conversion – no byte conversion – Write as it is )
- ObjectOutputStream
- PipedOutputStream
- Closeable and AutoCloseable and why it was introduced
- Flushable Interface
Java File IO Character Stream API
- File
- FileWriter (character by character)
- FileReader (character by character)
- BufferedWriter (line by line)
- BufferedReader (line by line)
- PrintWriter (line by line with primitive support)
- InputStreamReader and OutputStreamWriter (For Image,Video and Audio Read and Write)
- RandomAccessFile
Reference :
NIO Reference :