Annotation | Description |
@Entity | Declares the class as an entity or a table. |
@Table | Declares table name. |
@Basic | Specifies non-constraint fields explicitly. |
@Embedded | Specifies the properties of class or an entity whose value is an instance of an embeddable class. |
@Id | Specifies the property, use for identity (primary key of a table) of the class. |
@GeneratedValue | Specifies how the identity attribute can be initialized such as automatic, manual, or value taken from a sequence table. |
@Transient | Specifies the property that is not persistent, i.e., the value is never stored in the database. |
@Column | Specifies the column attribute for the persistence property. |
@SequenceGenerator | Specifies the value for the property that is specified in the @GeneratedValue annotation. It creates a sequence. |
@TableGenerator | Specifies the value generator for the property specified in the @GeneratedValue annotation. It creates a table for value generation. |
@AccessType | This type of annotation is used to set the access type. If you set @AccessType(FIELD), then access occurs Field wise. If you set @AccessType(PROPERTY), then access occurs Property wise. |
@JoinColumn | Specifies an entity association or entity collection. This is used in many- to-one and one-to-many associations. |
@UniqueConstraint | Specifies the fields and the unique constraints for the primary or the secondary table. |
@ColumnResult | References the name of a column in the SQL query using select clause. |
@ManyToMany | Defines a many-to-many relationship between the join Tables. |
@ManyToOne | Defines a many-to-one relationship between the join Tables. |
@OneToMany | Defines a one-to-many relationship between the join Tables. |
@OneToOne | Defines a one-to-one relationship between the join Tables. |
@NamedQueries | specifies list of named queries. |
@NamedQuery | Specifies a Query using static name. |