Kubernetes with Docker Desktop
- Basics of k8 and kubectl
- Running SpringBoot app on Docker
- Basics of k8 Deployment
- Basic debugging in Kubernetes
- Basics of k8 service and port forwarding
- Read a file from a mounted filesystem
K8 Example
Kubernetes with MiniKube
Kubernetes Components
- Deployment
- Cluster
- Node (Master / Worker)
- Pods
- Service
- Ingress
- ConfigMap
- Secrets
- API Server
- StatefulSet
- Volumes
- ReplicaSet
Kubectl Commands
- Config Information (kubectl config)
- Context Information
- Namespace Information
- Describe command
- Node Information
- Pod Information
- Kubeproxy
- Basics
- Create
- Expose
- Run
- Set
- Explain
- Get
- edit
- delete
- Deploy
- rollout
- scale
- autoscale
- Cluster
- certificate
- cluster-info
- top
- cordon
- uncordon
- drain
- taint
- Debugging
- describe
- logs
- attach
- exec
- port-forward
- proxy
- cp
- auth
- debug
- Advance
- diff
- apply
- patch
- replace
- wait
- kustomize
- Settings
- label
- annotate
- completion
- Other Commands
- alpha
- api-resources
- api-versions
- config
- plugin
- version
Later :
- Kustomize
- Rancher
- How to Create a custom Image
- Ingress
- LoadBalancer
Reference :