
  1. Network Commands
  2. Directory Structure of Linux file system
  3. Services in linux
  4. CURL Command
  5. NetCat Command
  6. ls Command
  7. Grep Command
  8. find Command
  9. locate Command
  10. AWK Command
  11. SED Command
  12. du – Disk Usage Command
  13. umask
  14. ulimit (user limit)
  15. sudo
  16. Performance monitoring
  17. nano editor
  18. SSH and Certificate
    1. File Formats and Abbreviations
      1. PKCS#7
      2. PKCS #8
      3. X.509
    2. What is SSH ?
    3. SSH Keygen
    4. What is a Digital Certificate ?
    5. Digital Certificate
    6. Class1, Class 2 and Class 3 Certificate
    7. PGP
    8. Digital Signature
  19. PS Command
  20. Character Set and Character Encoding
    1. File
    2. dos2unix and unix2dos
    3. Hexdump
    4. xxd command
    5. Iconv
  21. Soft link and hard link (Symbolic link)
  22. youtube-dl
  23. install mysql
  24. install java and maven
  25. Apache Web Server
    1. install apache web server
    2. httpd and apachectl
    3. Basic Settings
    4. Proxy and Reverse Proxy (What is a proxy)
    5. .htaccess file
  26. Installing XAMPP on ubuntu
  27. Mounting NFS
  28. Zips & Tar
  29. less
  30. Split Screen in unix
    • tmux
    • Konsole
    • Screen
    • Terminator
    • Tilix

Bash Shell Script :

  1. What is Shell, Bash, Kernal, Terminal and what is Shell Scripting?
  2. echo in shell script
  3. Variables in Shell Script
  4. Variables and export and source
  5. Executing a shell Script (./ vs . vs sh)
  6. Read User Inputs from Keyboard
  7. Passing Argument to Shell Script ($@ , $#, $?)
  8. Shell Expansion (read me) – Double Quotes Vs Single Quote Vs Backtick vs Curly Bracket
  9. set command (set — a)
  10. pipeline
  11. expect to handle interactive task (read me)
  12. If elif and else statement
  13. File test operators
  14. Writing or Appending data into a file
  15. Logical AND and OR Operator in shell script
  16. Arithmetic Operations
  17. Arithmetic Operations using Basic Calculator
  18. Arithmetic Operations using Expr in detal
  19. Case
  20. Array in Shell Script
  21. While Loop
  22. Until Loop
  23. For Loop
  24. Select Loop
  25. Break and Continue Statement
  26. Reading File using While Loop
  27. Reading File using For Loop
  28. Function in Shell Script
  29. Local Variable in Function
  30. Function with return statement & Ternary Operator
  31. Readonly command
  32. Stdin, Stdout, Stderr in shell Script
  33. basename command
  34. Signal and Traps in ShellScripting
  35. Semicolon in Shell Script
  36. Turnery Operator
  37. Input redirection
  38. Piples in Shell Script
  39. Enum
  40. Oops in Shell Scriping
  41. case insensitive
  42. All about Brackets & Quotes in Shell Script
  43. Standard Input, Standard Output and Error
  44. Functions
  45. execute a command in shell script
  46. Array and Map in ShellScript
  47. Debug a Shell Script
  48. Commands used in scripting

Utility Scripts :

  1. Move Script
  2. Rsync Script
  3. Rename Files with random number prefix

Read Me

Read Me : Commands on Linux :

Future Topics

  1. Grep Command
  2. SFTP and SCP
  3. CUT
  4. Cron Expression
  5. history
  6. hard links and soft links
  7. Utilisation of RAM (top, free, vmstat and sar)
  8. File system
  9. Mounting NFS file system
  10. Stdout and Stderr
  11. VI commands
  12. Group and Users in linux

Interview Questions:
Set 1 – Guru 99
Set 2 – Guru 99
Set 3 – Edureka