- What are microservices
- Microservice tools
- What is a Monolithic Architecture
- Advantages of Microservices, disadvantages and challenges
- Monitoring Tools for Microservices
- What is RESTful
- What is the meaning of OAuth and How OAuth Works?
- What is a Proxy
- What is CDC (Client Driven Contract) – Client Giving the Contract (Inputs of Rest API)
- What the Types of Testing (Bottom, Middle, Top)
- What is End to End Microservice Testing (Whole system is tested )
- What is Integration Testing (Whole system is tested together with Each other)
- What is Schematics Monitoring (Bussiness Cases are Tested)
- What is PACT Tesing
- What is a Client Certificate
- What is a URI
- HTTP Methods and idempotent
- HTTP Status Code
- Concept of Stateless REST
- How does HTTP Basic Authentication work? (username:password) base64 encoded
Reference :
- https://www.interviewbit.com/rest-api-interview-questions/#
- JavaBrains