#! /bin/bash echo Enter your name : read name echo Entered name is $name echo --------------------------------------------------------------------- echo Enter 3 friends name : read name1 name2 name3 echo Entered names are $name1 $name2 $name3 echo --------------------------------------------------------------------- read -p "Enter your best friends name inline : " best_friend # p flag for print echo Your best friends name is $best_friend echo --------------------------------------------------------------------- read -sp "Enter your password : " pass_var # s flag for silent i.e not show password echo #echo with no string to come to next line \n echo --------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "Store names in an Array" read -a names # a flag stands for Array echo Name : ${names[0]}, ${names[1]} echo --------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "Store name in built in variable called reply" read # by default the value is store in built in variable called reply echo The value is $REPLY