Regular Expression (RegEx)

  1. Introduction to regular expression
  2. RegEx engines
  3. Literal Character Search in Regex(How Regex works ? )
  4. Meta-characters in Regex (What characters are reserved by RegEx)
  5. Character classes in Regular Expression (Square brackets [ ] )
  6. Dot meta-character in regex ( Dot .)
  7. Start of String and End of String Anchors (Cap ^ and Dollor $)
  8. Word Boundaries Anchor ( \b)
  9. Pipe Symbol in regex | (Pipe | )
  10. Optional Items ?(Question mark ? )
  11. Use Round brackets for Grouping (Round Brackets () \1 \2 for grouping )
  12. Quantifiers in Regular Expression (Search for number of occurrences)
  13. Basic Example of Regular Expression (Search for a single word in Java)
  14. Predefined Character classes in Regular Expression (Search for a character that already has special meaning in Regex)
  15. Questions.
  16. Online Regex Engine1 and Online Regex Engine2

Future Blogs

  1. Repletion with Star and Plus
  2. Named Capturing Groups
  3. Unicode Regex
  4. Regex Matching modes
  5. Possessive Quantifiers
  6. Atomic Grouping
  7. Lookahead and Lookbehind
  8. If and Else in Regex
  9. Adding comments to regex
  10. Free Space in Regex
  11. Regex in Java Script
  12. Flags in regex engine (ignore case(i),global(g),multiline(m),extended(x),extra(X),single line(s),unicode(u),ungreedy(U),Anchored(A), dup subpattern names(j))
  13. Examples

Some Useful websites to Learn Regex :