SpringBoot Dev tools helps developer with :
Property Default
Spring-boot does a lot of auto-configurations, including enabling caching by default to improve performance. One such example is caching of templates used by template engines, e.g. thymeleaf. But during development, it’s more important to see the changes as quickly as possible.
The default behavior of caching can be disabled for thymeleaf using the property spring.thymeleaf.cache=false in the application.properties file. We do not need to do this manually, introducing this spring-boot-devtools does this automatically for us.
Automatic Restart
In a typical application development environment, a developer would make some changes, build the project and deploy/start the application for new changes to take effect, or else try to leverage JRebel, etc.
Live Reload
spring-boot-devtools module includes an embedded LiveReload server that is used to trigger a browser refresh when a resource is changed.
For this to happen in the browser we need to install the LiveReload plugin one such implementation is Remote Live Reload for Chrome.
Remote Debugging via HTTP (Remote Debug Tunnel)
spring-boot-devtools provides out of the box remote debugging capabilities via HTTP, to have this feature it is required that spring-boot-devtools are packaged as part of the application. This can be achieved by disabling excludeDevtools configuration in the plugin in maven.
Remote Update
The remote client monitors the application classpath for changes as is done for remote restart feature. Any change in the classpath causes, the updated resource to be pushed to the remote application and a restart is triggered.
Changes are pushed when the remote client is up and running, as monitoring for changed files is only possible then.