- Introduction to Spring
- Creating a spring boot application in Gradle
- Creating a spring boot application in Maven
- StringBoot CLI
- application.properties file in SpringBoot
- Annotations
- @Autowired in SpringBoot* – (@Resource and @Inject)
- @Qualifier in SpringBoot and @Primary
- @Order
- @Lazy – Lazy loaded
- @Primary in SpringBoot
- @DependsOn
- @Scope
- @Profile
- @Required – Reading Spring XML configuration file
- @Component in SpringBoot
- @Configuration and @Bean
- @Import
- @Component Vs @Configuration
- @ComponentScan
- @EnableAutoConfiguration
- @SpringBootApplication
- @Controller with @ResponseBody and @RestController
- @RestController in SpringBoot* (Example : @RestController Example)
- @PostConstruct
- @PreDestroy
- Spring Boot Exception Handling @ExceptionHandler and @ControllerAdvice
- @CrossOrigin
- SpringMVC and RESTAnnotation
- @RequestMapping
- @GetMapping for get request
- @PostMapping
- @PutMapping
- @DeleteMapping
- @PatchMapping
- @RequestBody
- @PathVariable
- @RequestParam
- @RequestHeader
- @RequestAttribute
- @RequestPart
- @ResponseStatus
- @ResponseEntity
- @RequestMapping
- @Service
- @Repository
- @Transactional
- @ReadOnly
- @PropertySource
- @Value
- ApplicationContext in SpringBoot
- Spring container in SpringBoot
- SpringBean’s Scope
- Constructor Injection Vs Setter Injection
- Database
- DataSource and JDBC Connection
- Hikari Connection pool in Spring Boot
- Tomcat Connection pool in Spring Boot
- DBCP2 Connection pool in Spring Boot
- Configure JNDI for mysql in Apache Tomcat
- JASYPT encryption
- Spring JDBC Template
- Row Mapper (Returns only single object and it is converted into List)
- ResultSetExtractor (Returns a list of objects from the inner class)
- RowCallbackHandler (Access outside)
- BeanPropertyRowMapper
- NamedParameter
- Spring AOP
- Spring Interceptor
- SpringBoot Actuator
- Spring Boot Logging using Logback
- Spring boot embeded server integration
- Faster SpringBoot startup
- Basic Authenticaltion and OAuth Authentication in SpringBoot
- Spring Boot Devtools
- Dispatcher servlet
- MessageSource in SpringBoot
- Internationalization in SpringBoot
- Custom Validation using group and MessageSource in SpringBoot
- Spring Boot starter parent
- Externalize spring properties file
- Spring profile
Spring Security
- Overview of Spring Security in Short – marcobehler
- Basics of Spring Security
- Adding Spring Security to a SpringBoot project
- Spring Basic Authentication with BCryptPasswordEncoder
- Old Reference Authentication : Configuring spring security Authentication
- Old Reference Authorization : Configure spring security Authorization
- HTTP Headers : Spring Basic Authentication via SoapUI
- Spring Role Based Authorization for URLs
- Spring Authority/Permission Based Authorization for URLs
- Enable HTTPS/SSL in SpringBoot
- Spring Security with DB Authentication
- Spring Security with JWT (Symmetric Encryption)
- Spring Security with JWT (Asymmetric Encryption)
- Old Reference
- Basic Authentication
- Remember Me Authentication
- JWT with Spring Security (Symmetric Encryption)
- JWT with Spring Security (Asymmetric Encryption)
- SSO implementation
- SSL in Spring boot
Git hub Repo :
- https://github.com/tyson332/SpringBoot
- main – SimpleSpringBoot with RestEndpoints
Interview Questions
Reference :