What are synonyms ?
- They are auxiliary names that relate to other database objects: tables, procedures, views, etc.
- They work like Unix hard links; a pointer to point to an object that exists somewhere else.
- Synonyms can be created as PRIVATE (by default) or PUBLIC.
- public synonyms are available to all users in the database.
- private synonyms exist only in specific user schema (they are available only to a user and to grantees for the underlying object)
When to Use Synonyms ?
- As database systems grow and applications improve, there is usually a need to change the names of tables and views to better reflect their new functionality.
A synonym can be created on the following types of objects:
- table
- view
- stored procedure
- function
- package
- sequence
- materialised view
- synonym
- java class schema object
- user-defined object
Syntax :
CREATE [OR REPLACE] [PUBLIC] SYNONYM [schema.] synonym_name FOR [schema.] object_name [@dblink_name];
Example :
CREATE SYNONYM emp FOR hr.employees;
Reference :