- Just like anyother language which has its own folder structure to store it own types of files, TypeScript too does have it
- We manage all the different types of file in each folder example “src” folder has all the .ts files and “public” folder has all the .html files
- All this folder names are manages inside tsconfig.json file, below command creates the tsconfig.json file.
- You can read all about the tsconfig.json file at https://www.staging-typescript.org/tsconfig
--command to create tsconfig.json file tsc --init
We modify below lines in tsconfig.json to create an appropriate folder structure :
All the src files i.e .ts files inside /src folder
"rootDir": "./src" --Anything outside src folder should not compiled hence below include --add below line at the end "include": [src]
All the output .js files should be placed inside /public folder
"outDir": "./public"
Reference for tsconfig.json