- Maven is a build tool
- Compile Source Code
- Copy Resource
- Compile and Run Tests
- Package Project
- Deploy Project
- Clean up
Why Maven came to be ?
- Developers wanted a standard way of building project
- A clear definition of what project consists of
- Easy way to publish jar information and a way to share JARs accross several projects
- The result is a tool that can now be used for building and managing any Java bases Projects which is called Maven
What is POM ?
- A fundamental unit of work in Maven, POM is an XML file that contains information about project and configuration details used by Maven to build the project.
- POM stands for Project Object Model
- Describes a project
- Name and Version, Artifact Type, Source Code Location, Dependencies
- Plugins
- Profiles (Alternate build configuration)
- Uses XML by Default
- Not the way Ant uses XML
Maven Objectives :
- Making the build process easy.
- Providing a uniform build system.
- Providing a quality project information
- Providing guidelines for best practices for development
- Allowing transparent migration to new features