Navigate to project folder and click on app.component.html file in <project-folder>/src/app/app.component.html
Write the below code inside the app.component.html file
<H2>Hello Angular</H2>
Now when you navigate to localhost:4200 you will see something like this.
- Now lets see how the contents of app.component.html file is rendered.
- Initially angular.json file which is a configuration file which is read by angular.
- This json file has two properties named index and main.
- index propery points to index.html file which will be loaded initially by localhost:4200 url is hit.
- And main.ts is called to resolve the angular modules used in index.html file.
- In the above index.html <app-root> tag is not a default html element but one of the angular component.
- So what happens here is when angular is loaded, it loads main.ts file, which looks like below
- Now /app/app.module is loaded via main.ts file
- /app/app.module looks something like below
- Now once app.module.ts file is loaded
- It has 4 sections in it.
- declarations – This property holds the array of components names which are used in the module
- imports – This property holds the array of all the modules names required along with this module
- providers – This property is again a string array which indicates the name of the services required for executing this module.
- bootstrap – This property holds an array of name of the components which are required while starting(booting/bootstraping) this module.
- Now since AppComponent class is bootstraped by the app.module.ts file It will load from file app.component.ts.
- app.component.ts file will look something like below.
- app.compnent.ts file has a class named AppComponent which is decorated with @Component decorator.
- @Component decorator has 3 properties
- selector – which is the name of the tag which this component is going to present.
(remember <app-root> tag used in index.html file resolved from this file) - templateUrl – which points to the html file which has the content which is displayed instead of the tag <app-root>
(This is how the content of app.component.html is displayed in index.html file) - styleUrls – this property takes an array of name of the css file which contains the css which will be applied to the html content displayed.
- selector – which is the name of the tag which this component is going to present.
- Thus the html content of app.component.html file is loaded instead of tag <app-root>